Our programs.

  • The Coordinated Appalachian Resource Extension (CARE)

    The Coordinated Appalachian Resource Extension (CARE) is a coordinated intake and assessment system designed to provide people experiencing homelessness, or at imminent risk of homelessness, with coordinated access points and a coordinated intake, assessment, and process for referral to housing and services. As the primary access point, ARCH acts as the community-wide hub for other organizations, agencies, and services available to people in their times of greatest vulnerability. In addition to physical service access points (SAPs), people in need can also contact the CARE line at 423-928-2724 to receive screening, assessment, and referral to community resources.

  • Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)

    The goal of ARCH’s Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program is to help clients achieve housing stability through financial assistance (rental and utility deposits, rental assistance). In addition, clients’ case managers will assist them with connecting to other mainstream services and benefits. The ESG Program is a service open to eligible individuals and families in the service area who are currently experiencing homelessness. Eligible clients include: those lacking an adequate, fixed nighttime residence; those sleeping in a public or private place not suited for human habitation (i.e., vehicle, park, abandoned structure, bus station, camping ground, etc.); those currently occupying a publicly or privately owned shelter, transitional housing, or other temporary living situations paid for by government or charity programs for people with low-incomes; individuals who occupied a shelter or place not fit for human habitation and who are not exiting an institution after temporary residency; and individuals and families who are facing imminent loss of their primary nighttime residence and who lack the resources and support to otherwise identify and obtain subsequent housing options.


    The HOME-ARP SS Program is designed to assist qualifying individuals and families who are: 1) homeless; 2) at risk of homelessness, 3) fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence or human trafficking; or 4) other vulnerable individuals. The program provides the services necessary to help individuals regain stability quickly in temporary or permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness.